Sunday, February 21, 2010

Could Alternative To Adderall Alternative To Seroquel?

Alternative to Seroquel? - could alternative to adderall

Now I have informed just a few horror stories of Seroquel. I just got prescribed. Conical 300mg per night for the. Zombies emotions I feel during the day and memebers here requires to stimulente I could be prescribed for them.

However, is that this drug is so dangerous, I need an alternative. I got to the doc because of anxiety and depression or loss of interest in activities and work. She thinks she is bi polar Seroquel gave me so much.

I can not medications that are known to be safe? Klonopin is, benzodiazepines, and dexatrin perhaps a med like Adderall or ADHD? What would be your suggestions and feedback.


  1. If they are truly bipolar, you need a drug with properties that stabilize mood, such as lithium, antipsychotics such as Lamicatal or Seroquel, Abilify, and Zyprexa.

    Benzodiazepines are mood stabilizers and disadvantages of ADHD medications is manic ... if they really bipolar.

    300 mgs is not much. Seroquel is actually a good medication for bipolar problems. He has some unpleasant side effects, but all other medications to stabilize the properties to have the mood.

    First, it is necessary to check whether they are truly bipolar. If so, then you are limited possibilities. If not, then you do not need a mood stabilizer. Many of these side effects disappear over time.

    FYI: Do not listen to people who are on medication or not bipolar. Cursing all the drugs, I can not understand how mood stabilizers work on the brain.

  2. Get a second opinion from a psychiatrist who specializes in mood disorders. If the doc seconds came to the conclusion that you suffer from bipolar disorder, then you talk to the doc on stabilizing anticonvulsants, such as Lamictal (good for depression), Lithium, Trileptal, Tegretol, Depakote, etc. They are much less sedating than Seroquel. If you are bipolar, anxiety "is not afraid, but it is stirring, a form of mania. Stabilizer stopping a benzo-not really. When the document finishes second is a depression and anxiety, then you probably are antidepressants and anti -anxiety medications are. If they're not afraid, then beta-blockers do a good add-on control. benzodiazepines are addictive and last option. In this respect they are at greater risk than antipsychotics and anticonvulsants.

  3. Get a kitten. cuz that you are satisfied they are cute do.

  4. See bipolar disorder, ezY during construction to answer, then according to § 10, and the questionnaire if you have doubts, and if the results are positive, you should have a diagnosis of a mental health expert can provide professional, not doctors who are much better Dealing with physical illnesses, not the diagnosis of complex diseases such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and personality disorder often enough to develop real insights.

    Bipolar disorder typically experience major mood swings, without apparent cause, often for months or years instead of days like most people (unless rapid cycling). I take 4 Omega 3 from fish oil supplements daily, replacing 2 with supplements of cod liver oil during the winter months (or, as probably the best alternative for the cod liver oil-2: adds 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil with a little butter, to ensure its use; and I) my mask on rye bread or sourdough toast, covered and fishpaste pepper, to the strong taste. People who need to get enough sunlight each day, Ithat vitamin D from cod liver oil, but many people, especially in latitudes far from the equator, it is difficult to achieve.

    If you decide to recommend uses allopathic (modern Western medicine) I, lithium carbonate or lithium citrate. (regular tests are necessary for them) before the mood stabilizers, but if you are taking medications regularly well, drinking enough water, and keep your salt intake, something else, such as Lamictal, or Depakote, may be better adapted. Check out "lithium) to read" in and research, and drugs always first (and keep the labels / information sheets so that you take account of the risks and the Search for side effects. (Personally, if I'm not bipolar type 1, and are not hallucinations, delusions or severe is, I know that you are trying to begin the orthomolecular and Omega 3 supplements, fish oil, vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies and a diet of mostly raw foods several months. Note: St. John's wort andIn addition, antidepressants can cause mania or hypomania in patients with bipolar disorder. ASO I eat, it depends on a "diet". Enter the term in the search bar

    If not considerably improved, after a period of up to 6 months of testing, contact your primary mental health providers: Do you like one of those who need medication to prevent serious deterioration of the disease. If you have a bipolar type 1, may have an anti-psychotic medication also be necessary. Everyone should be omega-3 supplements, or preferably "krill oil" for its health benefits: With the search bar Some people refuse medication, the use of supplements and selective feeding raw foods in general (not recommended to try this, if bipolar 1, unless they are by hallucinations, delusions, or states concerned).

    Maintain the treatments for the depressive phase, in section 2 to: ~ shaneris [Depression: Section 2: R is the first page - the worry: Section 6: for pAge N First] Some topics include Article 10: Treatment of bipolar disorder lead with supplements, vitamins, minerals and herbs (except St. John's wort, mania or hypomania may be). Like all medicines, there are risks and possible side effects, and that is why I inform people see alternatives to see if they can cope quite well without recourse to drugs or at least a few of them use.

    Do not use no medications and supplements together, without medical advice, with the exception of Omega-3, the safe, anytime. Il n'est pas inconnu de ceux suspension de médicaments et d'essayer the traitements alternatifs (qui sont rapides au travail) de perdre leur emploi en raison de la behaviorism inacceptable (u) r, donc je suis arrivé à 1 semaine avant les vacation, and monitor the situation closely and seek to use medical advice.
